Services WE OFFER
Hardscapes, Softscapes & Maintenance
Foster Lawn and Garden offers a wide range of services to suit each and every landscape need. From our fertilizer and weed/grub control programs, to creating a beautiful patio in your backyard, we can assist you no matter what the project entails. Yearly cleanups, maintenance and snow removal are other services we provide to create healthy and well-maintained lawns and properties.
One-stop Landscaping Service
No matter what the seasons bring, it’s good to have a helping hand you can trust and rely on. From seasonal cleanups to designing and constructing new landscape features, Foster Lawn and Garden has you covered. Below is a list of some of the services available. If you do not see what you are looking for, please contact us and we would be more than happy to help.

- Stone Work
- Driveways
- Walkways
- Patios
- Retaining Walls
- Fire Pits
- Flower Beds
- Water Features & Ponds

- Aeration
- Dethatching
- Fertilizer & Lawn Care
- Flower Bed Design
- Flower Planting
- Grass Cutting
- Grub & Insect Control
- Rolling
- Rototilling
- Silt Seeding
- Sodding, Seeding & Topdressing
- Top Soil Deliveries
- Tree & Shrub Pruning
- Tree & Stump Removal
- Weeding & Edging

- Fall Cleanup
- Raking Leaves & Debris
- Firewood

- Snow Plowing
- Walkway Shoveling
- Roof Shoveling
- Ice Removal
- Sanding & Salting
- Firewood
Contact Foster Lawn and Garden for a free estimate on any of our services. If you do not see what you need in the above list, give us a call and we will gladly discuss your needs.
Protecting Your Ash Trees Against Emerald Ash Borers
Emerald ash borers (EAB) are a non-native pest that attacks all native species of true ash trees of any size and age. The larvae feed on the inner vascular tissues, cutting off water and nutrient flow to the canopy, while mature beetles feed on the leaves from June to August. TreeAzin® Systemic Insecticide (PCP 30559) is the most effective product for EAB control in Canada. TreeAzin, derived from neem tree seed extracts (not neem oil) is not a neonicotinoid. TreeAzin provides up to two years’ protection against EAB, can prevent EAB damage in healthy ash trees and significantly improves an ash tree’s chance of survival if the damage is not too severe. When applied at the maximum dose, TreeAzin kills over 95% of EAB larvae, and reduces fertility and egg viability when adult females feed on a treated tree. TreeAzin degrades naturally within the tree tissues, and when used as labelled, poses minimal risk to children, applicators, bystanders, pets, bees, birds, mammals, soil and aquatic environments.
When assessing EAB populations in your neighbourhood, it is important to know where your tree is within the infestation period. A common misconception is that EAB have only been in an area for a short period of time, when in reality EAB have been in the area for many years. EAB are always further along than we think. Having a qualified service provider assess and treat your ash tree as soon as possible is critical to survival rates. A general guideline is if your tree is within 25 km of a known EAB infestation, the service provider will recommend the maximum TreeAzin dose. If your tree is greater than 25 km from a known EAB infestation, the service provider may recommend a preventive TreeAzin dose to protect it from future attack.
Foster Lawn and Garden is a qualified service provider in the Simcoe County area that can assess your ash trees and recommend a treatment plan. Owner, Ray Foster, is a licensed exterminator and is certified to perform tree injections with TreeAzin. For more information, contact us today.
Established in 1996, BioForest specializes in innovative product development, and consulting strategies for urban and commercial forest protection. BioForest is the registrant of TreeAzin® and developed the EcoJect® System. For more information, visit www.BioForest.ca.